速報APP / 地圖與導航 / GAR for Tangible Earth 2015

GAR for Tangible Earth 2015





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:300 E. 42nd Street Room IN-922E New York, NY 10017 USA

GAR for Tangible Earth 2015(圖1)-速報App

GAR for Tangible Earth 2017 is available!

GAR for Tangible Earth 2015(圖2)-速報App


GAR for Tangible Earth 2015(圖3)-速報App

GfT is a fully interactive stand-alone free Earth science application for learning about, the past several decades in the life of our planet, and the role of the UNISDR. It brings interface and scenario-building innovations from the TE platform together with the clear and concise graphic language of maps, graphs and photos developed for the GAR15. Hydrometeorological, geological and anthropocenic data from throughout the scientific community is brought together in an easy-to compare or "mash-up" format, for a platform that not only provides interactive risk scenarios from throughout the history of the UNISDR, but is also data-rich enough that the user can explore and create scenarios on their own: Searching by time, place, risk driver, hazard, disaster event profile, and more. Added features include and ever-increasing body of data about" good practices" for preparing for and ameliorating disasters when they arise, and real-time disaster alerts. GfT is fun, educational, and empowers everyone to get clear about the facts for themselves.

GAR for Tangible Earth 2015(圖4)-速報App

-Recommended to use that Android has quad-core processor.

GAR for Tangible Earth 2015(圖5)-速報App

GAR for Tangible Earth 2015(圖6)-速報App